Crime Prevention Tips

Crime Prevention Tips

Crime Prevention Tips

Safety tips at shopping centres and malls.

  • Do not ask for help from strangers at ATMs.
  • Do not display money in public.
  • Do not ask for directions from a stranger; instead ask from law enforcement agents.
  • Do not buy anything from a salesman at the door, outside the shop.
  • Keep your personal belongings such as handbag and wallet safe.
  • Always observe your surroundings, be at the right place at the right time.

Safety tips for victims.

  • Comply, remain calm and do not argue with crime perpetrators.
  • Do not make sudden gestures.
  • Avoid eye contact but try to remember how the perpetrator looks by identifying and remembering special features.
  • Try to get away safely from the area as quickly as possible.
  • Do not be a hero, your life is worth more than anything else.

Important contact numbers.

Call Crime Stop 08600 10111

In case of emergency, contact your local police station or call the SAPS emergency number 10111

Visit the SAPS website at

Download the MySAPS App on the App Store
or Google Play, or dial 13410111#

× Get in touch.